Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RVSC Guiding Principles, Mission Statement and Code of Conduct

Last Friday, 17 of our competitive coaches participated in a collaborative discussion to determine the  guiding principles, mission and code of conduct for our club.  I believe the discussion that took place set forth a road map for the future of RVSC, and the destination is both exciting and energizing.

I want to thank Manuel Siordia, Arnie Klott, Nate Brooks, Scott Byrd, Tom Renau, Chris Wizner, Ted Darnall, Kristina Jensen, Scott Seney, Matt O'Connor (aka the secretary), Jason Jantzer, Randy Cahn, Scott Owings, Matt Bonsi, Jay Crowl, Jeff Morgan and Frank Medina for taking time out of their lives to express their ideas to move the club forward.

For those of you that were unable to attend, we look forward to your participation in future gatherings!

Below are the rough drafts of both the Mission Statement and Guiding Principles. I will post the Code of Conduct later in the week.

RVSC Mission Statement
The Rogue Valley Soccer Club's mission is to be visible and accountable leaders within the Southern Oregon Soccer Community. RVSC will strive to develop youth soccer players in ways that will make them successful both on and off of the field. We are committed to strengthening the players soccer skills, fitness and self confidence while introducing and reinforcing their understanding of qualities such as Integrity, Sportsmanship, Accountability, Perseverance and Internal Motivation.

RVSC Guiding Principles
-We will create and maintain an environment that will foster a players development as both soccer players and people so they may grow to effectively contribute to their team, club and community both now and in the future.

-Provide a safe and constructive environment to allow individuals to reach and exceed their potential both athletically and personally.

-To encourage and allow players to take ownership of their growth and development.

-To identify, educate and develop coaches.

-To make the game of soccer accessible to ALL kids.

What do you think of the direction the coaches defined. Do you believe that currently we follow the principles above? Where do we need to work harder? Feel free to comment below.

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